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Why Wind Design Is Important for Your Commercial Building

Posted by Art Valentz on December 13, 2018

How Important is Wind Design for Your Commercial Building

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Topics: Roof Architecture

Why Hiring Roof Consultants is Essential to Eliminating Information Gaps

Posted by Art Valentz on November 29, 2018

When you need to install a new roof on your building or commit to major repairs, your first job—step one—is to hire a roofing consultant. Read that again. Not a roofing contractor—a roofing consultant. Many building owners hire a roofing consultant only when there is a problem with their roof, only to find that the problems exist due to things that should have been addressed before the build.

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Topics: Roof Architecture

A Simple Guide to Preventing Rooftop Leaks

Posted by Art Valentz on October 18, 2018

In the early 2000s, the EPA released a study that showed 85% of commercial buildings had sustained water damage at some point, 45% of which had existing leaks.

While there hasn’t been a similarly deep study of commercial water damage, you can bet that the situation hasn’t changed much. Minor roof leaking is often seen as low priority—an annoyance that can be dealt with at a later time.

However, you can’t just wait until leaks become apparent on the interior. Anything from improperly-secured RTUs to roof penetration, extreme weather, excessive foot traffic, materials/membrane/sealant failure, improper inspection and beyond can cause leak-inducing damage.

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Topics: Press Release, Roof Architecture, How to

Protect What Protects You: Invest in Regular Roof Maintenance

Posted by Art Valentz on October 2, 2018

There’s no denying the value of a strong commercial roof. It’s your main defense against the elements and keeps your internal investments safe from damage.

But for all the thought of how a roof protects what’s under it, many building owners lose sight of protecting the roof itself. Just because roofing materials are built to last decades doesn’t mean you can leave them neglected.

The effects of damage to neglected commercial roofs can grow exponentially. One small crack will grow over time until what would have been a simple repair becomes a full-blown roof replacement.

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Topics: Press Release, Roof Architecture, How to

Warranty Wisdom 101

Posted by Art Valentz on August 22, 2018

The decision to invest in a new roof isn’t one you can make lightly. If it’s an emergency, you won’t have a choice—but that doesn’t mean you can dive in headfirst without doing your homework.

When you spend all that money, you can expect your roof will last the full 30-50 years the materials are meant for. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any issues along the way.

Luckily, you have your warranties to protect the investment. Right? The situation is a bit more complicated than that.

There’s a wide variety of warranties in the roofing industry and it’s important not to overlook your true coverage. Whenever you’re investing in a new roof, you need to be well-versed in all kinds of warranties and know how they vary in terms of coverage and obligation.

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Topics: Press Release, Roof Architecture, How to

Traffic Control: What Is Your Rooftop Traffic Strategy?

Posted by Art Valentz on August 8, 2018

With so many day-to-day demands of facility management, it’s easy for rooftop traffic to get pushed to the back of your mind.

Especially for flat commercial roofs with HVAC equipment, ventilation, satellite dishes, electrical boxes, and more, rooftop traffic is a fact of life. Why spend so much time worrying about it when you know multiple people need regular access to walk on the roof?

Thinking this way can be dangerous. Believe it or not, regular foot traffic will take a serious toll on your roof and can cause damage if not managed properly.

If you don’t have a rooftop traffic strategy in place, you’re missing out on an opportunity to squeeze more life out of your investment. Now is the time to plan for keeping rooftop traffic in check.

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Topics: Press Release, Roof Architecture, How to

4 Ways to Prove the Value of Quality Roof Products to Customers

Posted by Art Valentz on July 30, 2018

How often do you make sales where the customers know exactly what options are best for their buildings? Probably not too many.

Building owners (and additional stakeholders) know how important roofing decisions are—but that doesn’t mean they don’t have many other decisions demanding attention.

What if you’re offering products that cost more than the competition? You know they’re higher quality but getting prospects to understand that is pivotal.

Let’s go through 4 keys to proving that your roof products are the best options for potential customers.

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Topics: Press Release, Roof Architecture, How to

Commercial Roof Coating: 101

Posted by Art Valentz on July 9, 2018

There are several different types of commercial roof coatings used today, including silicone, acrylic, aluminum, and polyurethane.  They are sometimes referred to as restoration membranes because roof coatings are often applied over existing rooftop membranes, as opposed to being part of a new roof construction detail.  They can also be used in partial applications to coat and re-coat parapet walls or portions of a roof. 

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Topics: Roofing Management, Roofing Maintenance, Roof Safety, Roof Architecture

Common Challenges with Rooftop Retrofit Projects (and Next Steps)

Posted by Art Valentz on June 29, 2018

While 15 years might seem like a long time, building owners know that this average life expectancy for roofing materials and RTUs can fly by quickly.  

That’s especially true when your traditional built-up roof starts showing signs of water damage. Suddenly you’re left with a choice—maintain the rip-and-replace cycle or make an investment in rooftop retrofit projects.

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Topics: Roofing Management, Roofing Maintenance, Roof Safety, Roof Architecture

How Rooftop Improvements Can Boost LEED Ratings

Posted by Art Valentz on June 19, 2018

The green building movement has exploded since the turn of the century, pushing the market close to the $100 billion mark.

 Driving the standardization of this movement is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, “LEED buildings have faster lease-up rates and may qualify for a host of incentives like tax rebates and zoning allowances. Not to mention they retain higher property values.” 

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Topics: Rooftop Support Engineering, Roofing Management, Roof Safety, Roof Architecture

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